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Chinese soccer team faces 'redemption fight'

发布时间:2024-10-21 19:33:54
Illustration: Liu Xiangya

Illustration: Liu Xiangya

After a humiliating 7:0 defeat to Japan last week on away soil, the Chinese national soccer team will take on a crucial match at home as they host Saudi Arabia in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province on Tuesday. 

This match not only represents a key moment for Team China's quest to qualify for the next round in the World Cup Asian qualifiers, but also serves as a critical opportunity for the team to recover from the embarrassing defeat to Japan on September 5. 

While China's loss to world No.18 Japan, a team that has risen to the ranks of global soccer elites, wasn't entirely unexpected, the manner of the defeat was shocking. Frequent errors, lack of tactical coherence and a glaring absence of physicality were observed by fans, leaving those who spent their passion on the team massively dismayed. 

The performance on the pitch was characterized by lethargy and defeatism, with Chinese players struggling even to maintain basic levels of intensity. In the aftermath, fans and commentators alike condemned the team for their lack of tenacity, labeling the performance "spiritless."

Losing to Japan, a team that has long surpassed China in soccer strength in the past two decades, isn't an unforgivable offense. However, the real blow for Chinese fans was witnessing a team that seemed to have no fight left in them. 

A defeat like this naturally stings, but what stung even more was the sense that the players had mentally checked out before the game was even over. The absence of any visible desire to compete or respond to adversity was a bitter pill to swallow.

For the Chinese team, however, one loss - even as devastating as a 7-0 blowout - does not spell an end to their World Cup qualification campaign. 

The reality is that Team China currently trails far behind Asian powerhouses like Japan and Australia in terms of overall strength. But they still have chances to secure valuable points against other teams like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Indonesia. 

This makes the upcoming match against Saudi Arabia pivotal. A strong showing could help mitigate the damage done by the Japan defeat and restore some belief to a team and fanbase.

In the days following the match against Japan, senior officials of the Chinese Football Association, along with head coach Branko Ivankovic, captain Wu Lei and vice-captain Wang Dalei, held serious discussions with the team after their return to Dalian from Japan. 

The message was clear: They must regroup and show resilience. The national team cannot afford another display of weakness and disorganization. Players were urged to give everything they have to restore pride and faith in Chinese soccer, especially following a series of high-profile corruption cases that have marred the dignity of the sport in China. 

The objective for this next match is simple: mentally rebound and fight with everything they've got. Chinese fans, for all the frustration they've endured over the years, have always been emotionally invested in their national team. 

Many supporters, despite witnessing countless defeats, have learned to temper their expectations for the national team. Yet, even the most disillusioned fan hopes to see a team that at least fights with determination and pride. The fans' desire for the team isn't for victory, but for a display of grit and competitive spirit, qualities sorely lacking in their last outing.

The loss to Japan has exposed numerous flaws with Team China, particularly in areas like concentration and tactical execution. These are not issues that can be solved overnight, and the progress of Chinese soccer still has a long way ahead to close the gap with Asia's elite teams.

Many Chinese fans expressed online that they are not expecting immediate tactical brilliance or sudden technical improvements during the match against Saudi Arabia. Instead, the hope is for a performance that reflects courage and determination, and a refusal to back down from being lag behind during the match. 

The 7-0 loss to Japan was an undeniable low point, but it can also be a turning point if the team responds with resilience and determination. The upcoming match against Saudi Arabia is a chance for the Chinese national team to prove they can rebound from adversity, if they understand that every qualifier match is an opportunity to restore faith.

Chinese soccer has arrived at a crucial juncture. The team needs to rise from the ashes of their defeat and fight for their future. Anything less than a display of heart and effort will not only disappoint the fans but set Chinese soccer back further. The time has come for the team to confront its shortcomings and find the courage to rise stronger. The future of the team - and the dreams of millions of fans - depends on it.

The author is a reporter with the Global Times. [email protected]

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