China criticizes confrontational mindset, urges dialogue on Iranian nuclear issue

百科China criticizes confrontational mindset, urges dialogue on Iranian nuclear issue已关闭评论 6阅读模式
Wang Chang,<strong></strong> deputy head of China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna. Photo: Courtesy of China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna

Wang Chang, deputy head of China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna. Photo: Courtesy of China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna

It has been proved that pressure will not help solve the problem but will only result in a counterproductive effect, China declared its position for voting against the IAEA resolution drafted and pushed passed by the US, the UK, France and Germany to order Iran to cooperate in the agency's investigation.

Wang Chang, deputy head of China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna, made a statement on Thursday to elaborate on China's position.

Wang noted that it has been proved that pressure will not help solve the problem but will only result in a counterproductive effect. Especially when Iran is strengthening cooperation with the agency, the US and some European countries still pushed the resolution to create confrontation, which will lead to the politicization of the agency.

China resolutely opposes this action and urge relevant parties to take concrete actions to support the agency in strengthening cooperation with Iran and bridging differences through dialogue.

Wang stressed that China opposes relevant countries to push the Board of Governors to adopt resolutions to pressure Iran. The supervision from the IAEA on Iran is essentially a bilateral issue between the Secretariat of the Agency and Iran, which should be solved through dialogue and consultation by the two sides.

Wang finally stressed that talks on Iran's resuming full implementation of its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action have entered the final critical stage at the moment. China calls on all parties concerned to consider the long-term and overall interests, create necessary conditions and a favorable atmosphere for an agreement to be reached as soon as possible, and avoid taking measures that may undermine the negotiation process.

The UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors passed a resolution in Vienna on Thursday, ordering Iran to cooperate urgently with the agency's investigation into uranium traces found at three undeclared sites.

The UK, France, Germany and the US drafted the resolution and pushed it to be passed, urging that Iran should explain the origin of the uranium particles and more generally give the International Atomic Energy Agency all the answers it requires.

Global Times

  • 本文由 发表于 2024-10-21 17:28:27
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