Chinese national dies in avalanche in Austrian Alps

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Rescue helicopters stand on a street near the Gammerspitze summit in Tyrol,<strong></strong> Austria after an avalanche killed a 58-year-old local man on Saturday. Photograph: ZEITUNGSFOTO.AT/APA/AFP/Getty Images

Rescue helicopters stand on a street near the Gammerspitze summit in Tyrol, west region of Austria after an avalanche killed a 58-year-old local man on Saturday. Photograph: ZEITUNGSFOTO.AT/APA/AFP/Getty Images

A Chinese national has died in an avalanche in the Alps in the west of Austria, the Global Times learned from the Chinese Embassy in Austria on Monday. There have been no reports of any other Chinese citizens injured in the avalanche so far.

At least eight people were killed last weekend due to avalanches in Austria. Local authorities have raised the alert level to four out of five, following intense snowfall and wind in the area.

The 32-year-old Chinese skier died after being hit by an avalanche in the Ötztal Valley in West Austria's Tyrol region on February 3. 

The Chinese Embassy confirmed the death in a statement released on Saturday, while also reminding Chinese citizens in Austria to pay attention to safety when engaging in winter sports.

There have been other deadly avalanches in central Europe, with fatalities in Italy and Switzerland, as heavy snow and school holidays drew skiers from around the globe to the Alps, according to media reports.

More than a dozen avalanches have been reported in the Tyrol region of Austria alone and authorities have set the warning level at four on a scale of five and urged caution.

Heavy snowfall and wind over the past two days have increased the risk of avalanches. Eleven of the avalanches resulted in people going missing, and rescue efforts have been hampered by poor visibility and difficult weather conditions. 

Authorities have continued to warn of further avalanches in several countries' Alpine regions.

Some have died after skiing in unmarked areas, despite warnings of the avalanche risk, local police said. Officials in the Austrian state of Tyrol have urgently cautioned tourists, skiers and other winter sports athletes to avoid unsecured off-piste slopes.

Despite the high alert level, winter sports enthusiasts have begun flocking to ski resorts in Austria as the snowfall has increased, after a slow start to the winter delayed the skiing season.

As China has downgraded its management of COVID-19 and resumed outbound tourism for Chinese citizens since January 8, more and more Chinese tourists have turned their eyes to overseas destinations, including Austria.

The Chinese Embassy reminded Chinese citizens to be prepared and take enhanced safety measures when engaging in outdoor sports. Tourists should pay attention to the weather and adjust their itinerary in case of bad weather, said the statement.

Global Times 

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